(Left to Right) Ewan Paul. Richard Smith, Craig Davidson, Marion Murdoch & Claire Sloan.
Pictured is a photo of the winners (Left to right) Margaret Rodger, Les Goodwin, Stuart Grieve & John Jardine.
Photo of winning rink that played the last game (Left to Right) Robbie McCormack, Ewan Paul, Stuart Hills, Rae Graham & Bud Little. Lorna Vevers was unavailable for photo.
Photo of the winning rink receiving the trophy (left to right), Roy Broatch, Mitchell Jardine, Dave Stewart, Marilyn Muir & Niall Smith.
(left to right) Margaret Rodger, Sue Hodgson, Marion Murdoch & Joyce Watkinson
(left to right) Christine Ross, Maggie Wilson, Hannah Henderson & Pam Maxon
Pictured (Left to Right) Maggie Wilson, Lorna Vevers, Rae Graham & David Owen
Pictured (Left to Right) Roy Watkinson, Jane Hogg, Marion Murdoch, Bob Rae & Terry Bishop.
Pictured are the winners (Left to Right) Roy Broatch, Anne Smith, David Carlyle, Robin McLeod & Terry Benest
Pictured are the winners (Left to Right) Helen Bell, Marion Murdoch. Eileen Broatch & Marjorie Smith
Pictured, (left to right) are the winners being presented with the trophy Helen Bell, Emily Muir, Jim Black, Terry Benest and Fran Bishop.
Pictured are the winners (Left to right) Sue Hodgson, Fraser Hills, Harry Howie Jardine & Jim Black
The winning rink is shown on the photograph, (left to right) Mike Stevenson, Harris Stewart, Russell Smith & Les Goodwin.
Pictured are the winners being presented with the trophy. (Left to Right) Dougie Brown, Cameron McNay, Fraser Kingan, Duncan Gracie, Anne Smith, David Morton and Drew Watson.