(Left to Right) Ewan Paul. Richard Smith, Craig Davidson, Marion Murdoch & Claire Sloan.
Pictured are the winners (Left to Right) Roy Broatch, Anne Smith, David Carlyle, Robin McLeod & Terry Benest
Pictured are the winners (Left to Right) Helen Bell, Marion Murdoch. Eileen Broatch & Marjorie Smith
The winning rink is shown on the photograph, (left to right) Mike Stevenson, Harris Stewart, Russell Smith & Les Goodwin.
Photo of the winning rink receiving the trophy (left to right), Roy Broatch, Mitchell Jardine, Dave Stewart, Marilyn Muir & Niall Smith.
Pictured are the winners being presented with the trophy. (Left to Right) Dougie Brown, Cameron McNay, Fraser Kingan, Duncan Gracie, Anne Smith, David Morton and Drew Watson.